
Ēastrīce sēo Cyneƿīse
Republik Österreich
Ēastrīces Fana
Ēastrīces rīces ƿæpnas
Ēastrīces Fana
Ēastrīces rīces ƿæpnas

Anstefn: Land der Berge, Land am Strome
(Ænglisc: "Land Beorga, Land on þǣre Ēa")

Austria in European Union.svg

Lēodƿeard Cyneƿīse
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Þēodsc sprǣc
Elles gereordas Slofenisc sprǣc
Ungrisc sprǣc[1][2]
Hēafodstōl Uigenna
Foresittend Alexander Van der Bellen
Forma Þegn Brigitte Bierlein
• gerīm

83,879 km² km2
• hēafodgerīm
• þiccnes

8,857,960[3] būenda
104 būend/km² būend/km2
• getæl
• for ǣlcum hēafde
477.672 mld USD[4]
53,764 mld USD[4]
HDI 0.885
Gelēafan Crīstendōm
Feoh Euro (€) (EUR)
Tīdgyrdel Eallic tīd +1 Winter
Eallic tīd +2 Summor
Ƿebbnamena tægl .at
Sprecungrīm +43
Wægnplatung AT
Logo Wikimedia Commons Ēastrīce Commons

Ēastrīce sēo Cyneƿīse (Germanisc: Republik Österreich) is sǣstrandlēas land in Middelre Europan. Hit is mōtlic þringgeƿeald. Ēastrīce hæfþ gebēon agylda þāra Geāndena Lēodrīca siþþan þǣm 1955 gēare, and þǣre Europiscan Gesamnunge siþþan þǣm 1995 gēare. Hit ligþ be Þēodisclande and Ceclande benorðan him, Slofacie and Ungerlande beēastan him, Slofenie and Italie besūðan him, and Sƿisslande and Lēohtenstāne beƿestan him.

Stǣr[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Æfter þe gehiersumode þis land Lǣdenƿare, Hūnas, Langbeardas, Ēastgotan, Bægƿare and Francan, ƿæs Ēastrīce geƿeald fram þǣm Babenbeorges rīce fram þǣm tēoðan hundgēara oð þæt þrēotēoðe hundgēare. Æfter þæt Babenbeorges hūs afylgode þā Habsburgas, þæs hūs rīcsode Ēastrīce oþ þæt 1918 gēar.

Æfter þǣre adilegiunge þæs Hālgan Rōmāniscan Rīces on þǣm 1806 gēare, Ēastrīces Casererīce (Germanisc: Kaisertum Österreich) gestaðolode Francis II. On þǣm 1867 gēare andƿendede Franz-Iosef I Casere þis casererīce on þǣm tƿifealdan cynedōme Ēastrīce-Ungerlande. Þæt Casererīce ƿæs adǣled on sumu ānstandendu rīcu æfter þǣm unsige þāra Middelena Dōma on þǣre Ǣrestan Ƿoruldgūðe, þe ƿorhte Ēastrīce sƿā hit is tōdæg.

In þǣm 1918 gēare ƿearþ Ēastrīce cyneƿīse, þe gelǣstede oþ þæt 1934 gēar, þā þā Engelbert Dollfuß Canceler staðolode tictatorscipe cƿæl.

Ēastrīce ƿæs be Adolf Hitler befangen for Þēodisclande, on þǣm 1938 gēare (seoh þæt geƿrit be Þēodnesse). Hitler ƿæs self on Ēastrīcþēode geboren. Æfter þǣre oferdrīfunge þāra Nazea, þā Gefēran gesetedon Ēastrīce fram þǣm ende þǣre Ōðran Ƿoruldgūðe oþ þæt 1955 gēar, þā þā þæt land eft ƿearþ ful ānstandende lēodaþing under þǣm gerāde be þǣm þe hit belufe ungeƿǣred (seoh ēac: Ēastrīclic Rīces Nǣming). Hūru æfter þǣm geafealle mōtscipes on Ēasternre Europe, Ēastrīce ƿearþ ǣfre geƿyrcendre on Europiscum gelimpungum, and in þǣm 1995 gēar, Ēastrīce geþoftode ƿiþ þā Europiscan Gesamnunge, and sēo Euro ƿearþ þæt gestede rīcisce fēos gemitta on þǣm 1999 gēare.

Fruma þæs naman[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Se Þēodisca nama Österreich cann ƿesan understanden sāmƿell in Englisce sƿā "ēasterne rīce", þe is of Ealdum Þēodisce Ostarrîchi. Se nama gelīce ƿæs staðolod þurh lēodþēaƿisce āƿendunge þæs Midieldisclǣdnan naman tō þǣm landscipum: Marchia orientalis, þe mǣnþ "ēasterne landmearc," for þǣm þe hit læg æt þǣm ēasternan ōran þæs Hālgan Rōmāniscan Rīces. Care ƿeorðe is hit þæt sēo forðung þæs Lǣdnan naman fram þǣm forman Ealdþēodiscan naman ƿōrhte þā nytte of "Aust-" sƿā "ēast", ǣr þonne "sūþ" sƿā on Ealdum Lǣdne.

Fruman[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

  1. Die verschiedenen Amtssprachen in Österreich.
  2. Regional Languages of Austria. Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes (2013).
  3. Population by Year-/Quarter-beginning (7 November 2018).
  4. 4.0 4.1 Austria. International Monetary Fund (1 April 2018). Begieten on 23 July 2018.
Land on Europan
Albania • Andorra • Azerbaijan1 • Belgice • Bosnia and Herzegofina • Cecland • Cipros2 • Crecaland • Croatia • Denemearc • Ēastrīce • Estland • Faticanburg (Pāpseld) • Finnland • Francland • Geāned Cynerīce • Hƿītrussland • Īrland • Īsland • Italia • Letseburg • Lettland • Lēohtenstān • Liþþuania • Melita • Moldofa • Monaco • Niðerland • Norþmæcedonia • Norþƿeg • Polaland • Portugal • Pulgaraland • Rumǣnia • Russland1 • San Marino • Scearpbeorgas • Serbia • Slofacia • Slofenia • Spēonland • Sƿeartbeorg • Sƿēoland • Sƿissland • Tyrcland1 • Þēodscland • Ucrægna • Ungerland
Selfrīcsiendlica landbūnessa: Ēalendisca Īega • Acrotiri and Ðecelia2 • Calpis • Cēsarēa • Faroisca Īega • Guernsey • Ian Magen • Manīeg
1. Þēod dǣllīce on Asie. 2. Geƿunelīce gesett tō Asie be eorþmetunge, ac nāþȳlǣs oft gedēmed sƿā Europisc for þēaƿe and stǣrlicum racum.
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