WichlawscīrzWwuncSch DW ZRia, wkdi506t UWw Rr 23


Ƿichlaƿscīr is scīr on Īrum sēo licð æt þæs īeglandes ēasterne sǣhealfe. Hiere scīrburg is Ƿichlaƿ hƿærof nimþ sēo scīr hiere naman, and þāra byrig nama is of þæm Norrena gereorde.

Beorgfæst is Ƿichlaƿscīr sƿa sƿa secgð hiere nama and þās hlāƿas mōt man sēon ofer miclum dǣl Īrlandes and ofersǣ on Snāƿdūn se is on Carnarfonscīre.

Irland | Scire in Irlande Fana þæs Iriscan Cynewises

Cafan | Carlow | Clare | Corc | Difelin | Donegal | Galwæg | Kerry | Kildare | Kilkenny | Leitrim | Leix | Limerice | Longford | Luþ | Mageo | Með | Monaghan | Offaly | Roscommon | Sligo | Tipperary | Westmeð | Wāsenaford | Wichlaw | Wedraford

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